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How Drinking Green Tea Can Improve Your Health

We use the unfermented leaves to produce green tea, which is rich in polyphenols and powerful antioxidants. These get rid of free radicals, which are bad for your health for a variety of reasons and damage cells. Green tea’s low caffeine level, unlike high-caffeine beverages like coffee, helps you stay awake all day without the jitters and anxiety that come with it. It has the potential to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

1. Strengthens heart health

Green tea and other antioxidant-rich foods can help the body’s immune system fight off harmful free radicals. Incorporating tea into your diet can reduce your risk of cancer, eye problems, and heart disease. The antioxidant polyphenols included in green tea may aid in the reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides. It can also aid type 2 diabetics with their glycemic management. A 2020 study found that tea drinkers have a lower incidence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and stroke.

2. Minus the Chance of Cancer

Researchers have linked the antioxidant components in green tea to a reduced risk of cancer. Inhibiting the growth of DNA and RNA cells and scavenging free radicals that cause oxidative damage are two ways that strong polyphenols in tea protect cells from genetic mutation and lower the prevalence of many cancers (2). Nonsmoking women who drink green tea on a regular basis have a lower risk of developing cancers of the esophagus, colon, prostate, and lung. However, further research on this subject is necessary. While green tea is generally safe for consumption, it may interact negatively with some medications. While taking any medication, including green tea, it is important to check with your doctor first (3).

3. Cuts the Risk of Diabetes

Green tea’s catechins help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. This might be helpful for diabetics. This field still necessitates additional clinical research. Additionally, green tea contains the amino acid L-theanine, which may have a calming effect on the body and mind. This can reduce both stress and hypertension. New research in the Nutrition Journal suggests that regular consumption of five or more cups of unsweetened green tea may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Before incorporating green tea into their diet, individuals should consult their physician if they are pregnant, nursing, suffer from anemia or iron deficiency, or are taking any medications.

4. Reducing the Chance of Alzheimer’s (AD)

Researchers have found that drinking green tea on a regular basis reduces the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease. This is due to the fact that L-theanine and EGCG, two compounds found in tea, have the potential to delay the onset of cognitive decline. 33 elderly volunteers participated in the study for an entire year, receiving either green tea or a placebo. They next reviewed their MMSE-J scores and finished the necessary laboratory tests. Drinkers of green tea reduced their risk of dementia by 16% on a daily basis. For men and middle-aged people in particular, this was a steep drop.

5. Reduces the Probability of Eye Disorders

Green tea may reduce your risk of acquiring glaucoma and other eye diseases by protecting your delicate eye tissues from oxidative stress. One study found that glaucoma was less common in people who consumed five or more cups of green tea daily compared to those who did not. Catechins, which are antioxidants found in green tea, have the ability to bind to the retina and absorb potentially damaging free radicals. Green tea and other foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin—found in leafy greens, kale, collard greens, and spinach—are good for your eyes.

6. Takes Stroke Risk Down

Green tea lowers blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. In 2020, another study found that it reduced the risk of blood clots, which are known to cause strokes. Researchers in Japan tracked the eating habits of people who survived a heart attack or stroke as part of the Health Examinees Study. Researchers found that those whose diets included green tea lived longer than those whose diets did not. The risk of death was 62% lower for stroke survivors who consumed seven cups of green tea daily as compared to non-drinkers.

7. Prevents heart attacks

Atherosclerotic plaque builds up in blood vessels and can cause heart attacks and strokes; however, the antioxidants in green tea reduce cholesterol, which in turn reduces this buildup. Furthermore, a 2020 magazine “Medicine” study revealed that the high polyphenol concentrations in green tea lower blood pressure, a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Regular consumers of green tea were associated with a decreased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and pancreatic cancer, according to a large Japanese study that followed participants for over thirteen years. Those who make it a practice to consume three or more cups of tea daily will get the greatest benefits.

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